We all know Telegram is a popular messaging platform and also famous for its privacy. In past few months users are feeling concerned about its security. This can also be your reason to delete it. But it’s important to know the right steps to delete your Telegram account.
Here, I will show you how to permanently delete your Telegram account in easy steps. Deleting your account means all your messages and contacts will be gone.
Deleting Your Telegram Account from Your Phone
If you want to delete your account using your phone, you can do it in just a few steps. However, this process comes with a waiting period of one month. After one month of inactivity, your account will be automatically deleted. Here’s how to do it:
- Open the Telegram app on your phone.
- Tap the ‘3 horizontal lines’ at the top left.
- Choose ‘Settings’ from the menu options.
- Scroll down and select ‘Privacy and Security’.
- Find the section that says ‘Delete My Account’.
- Change the setting from ‘6 months’ to ‘1 month’.
- After one month of not logging in, your account will be deleted.
This is the simplest way to delete your account using your mobile phone. Just make sure not to log in during that one month period. If you log in, the process will stop, and your account will remain active.
Deleting Your Telegram Account from a Computer
If you want to delete your account immediately, it’s better to use a computer. This method deletes your account without any waiting period. Before you start, make sure you export your important messages and data. Follow these steps to delete your account using a computer:
- Open a web browser on your computer.
- Visit the Telegram official site at https://my.telegram.org/auth.
- Enter the phone number you used for your Telegram account.
- You will receive a confirmation code on your Telegram app.
- Enter this code on the website and click ‘Sign In’.
- Once logged in, choose ‘Delete Account’.
- You can provide a reason for leaving, but this is optional.
- Click ‘Yes, Delete My Account’ to confirm.
After following these steps, your account will be deleted immediately. However, you won’t be able to use the same phone number to create a new account for several days.
Automatically Deleting Your Telegram Account
Telegram offers a self-destruct feature for its users. If you don’t log in for a certain period, your account will be deleted automatically. By default, this period is set to six months, but you can change it to a shorter time if you prefer. Here’s how you can set up the self-destruct feature:
- Open Telegram on your phone.
- Tap the ‘3 horizontal lines’ in the top left corner.
- Go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Privacy and Security’.
- Scroll down to the ‘Delete My Account’ section.
- Tap on ‘If Away For’ and choose your desired time.
- You can select one month, three months, six months, or one year.
Once you set the time period, Telegram will delete your account if you stay inactive for that time. All your messages, contacts, and data will be removed from Telegram’s servers.
Reasons to Delete Your Telegram Account
There are several reasons why people may want to delete their Telegram account. For some, recent reports about Telegram’s CEO being arrested raised security concerns. The CEO was arrested for allowing illegal activities, such as sharing harmful content and fraudulent actions, to happen on the app. This news has caused many users to rethink their use of Telegram. Others may want to delete their account because they are no longer using the app.
The Final Words
Deleting your Telegram account is easy and can be done through your phone or computer. If you want to delete your Telegram account immediately, the computer method is the fastest option.
For those who can wait, the mobile option allows you to set a self-destruct time. Make sure to export any important messages or data before deleting your account.
Whether you’re concerned about security or just don’t use Telegram anymore, following these simple steps will help you delete your account safely.